Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Know What I Want To Do...

The neighbor has 2 daughters that are now off for the summer; school is out. I have been doing preparation in the back yard for the annual install of the above-ground pool, so I see into their yard along our shared fence-line. He must have asked/hired his daughters' boyfriend to power-wash his house and other light, yard work. (the little pimple-farmer doesn't look like he's good for any real work.)

Two days ago, I hear the power-washer start up and see the girl and her friend walking alongside the house with the washer. I think. "Good, He's getting some work out of the boys that are sniffing around his girls." The house gets a little spray as I go back to my puttering. The next time I look, they are under the deck; she is standing between his knees as he sits and his hands are all over this girl. I'm thinking. " With gas $4.00 a gallon, I can't believe he's just letting that engine run while he mates with his girlfriend." I smiled and looked away, minding my own business; high school kids will always find somewhere to make out.

Today I learned that he is a high school junior; she is only 13.

Like I said, I know what I'd do...but it's not my daughter and maybe her parents know.

I am not happy with this conundrum.


Carla said...

Make sure the parents know. There is a LAW I believe if things go too far.
Statutory rape.

erin said...

I'm with Carla.

Brandy Dopkins said...

yes, I agree.

However, tread LIGHTLY and LOVINGLY as you speak with daddy.

Remember how quick you yourself are to be blind when it comes to your children.

Don Diego de la Vega said...


Do you still have that crossbow? It's silent, and a well-placed shot through the man-bits would definately stop his pedofile career dead. However, on the up side, he could become a very famous castrati.

What's the statutory rape law in your neck of the nape?

kristi noser said...

Maybe Mr. Neighbor shold be acquainted with the manual.