Friday, June 27, 2008

I Know What I Want To Do...Epilogue


I finally got to talk to her dad. He was wide-eyed and angry; appreciative for my willingness to step up as a neighbor.

I caught up to him as he was leaving for work; he gave me his card after hearing his nightmare-come-true and we're meeting later to take the boy for a walk in the woods, where we'll force him to dig his own grave before dad beheads him with the shovel. My neighbor is a very likeable guy who has worked as a construction contractor. I wouldn't want to be man-boy tonight...

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to do the right thing and tell Dad.


kristi noser said...

so if someone does behead him in the woods, you know you're gonna be blamed, right?

theswamphare said...

They know where I am all the time and it's in Their best interest to provide me with alibis; last time I was with a pastor, a judge, a woodchuck and Fred Rogers.

erin said...

Good work. I'm glad you talked to Dad.