Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fun with Charlie.

From Charlie's post on 'The Minors'

Not surprisingly, I want one.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Shooting at Critters

Why kill Prairie Dogs?

Plague, Tularemia, and Monkeypox:
It is worth noting that theses are diseases that the Center for Disease Control, in Atlanta has stated are transferred to humans; Okay, mostly by people shooting and skinning the prairie dogs or by keeping them as pets... It's the fleas that the prairie dog carries that actually transmit the disease.

Habitat sharing with cattle... a commercial concern:
For the following reason, the grass in and around prairie dog colonies is lusher and sweeter; cattle and bison prefer the taste and can 'bulk-up' on the grazing-land not occupied by the colonies.

Prairie dogs control sagebrush, mesquite, prickly pear, and other weeds noxious to native ungulates and livestock. For example, studies show that prairie dogs consume mesquite, an invader which degrades the economic value of rangeland and makes round-ups difficult. Prairie dogs also eat grasshoppers which benefits agriculture.

Prairie Dogs are so darned cute.:
The more cute things men shoot, the closer our wives and children will be drawn to our dogs in their absence.

Nothing trains our young shooters for the skills requisite to becoming a military sniper like long-range, small, active targets. Well, nothing both legally and morally defensible...

Male Bonding and home-habitat-destruction:
C'mon, gals; would you rather we sat on the couch in tighty-whities and drank beer while watching football?