Sunday, July 31, 2011

According To:

1. A ruling on Bacon... According to the internet, there is no 'Greater Hudson Bacon Guild'. Well, guess who's been laboring under yet another false presumption. I was in the offices the other day, to gab with Kristi. All was as it should be, until she broached the bacon theme with something Tim had shared about his bacon preparation protocols; it seems that he bakes his in the oven. 'Bakon'?

This morning, Pat was asked by his wife Carla. "Do you have to do bacon EVERY Sunday?" Dearest, dulcet lambs, without whom we men are incomplete, It's Bacon..

Presented with this surge of bacon confusion, and given that bacon IS the purview of Men, and in the absence of a Greater Hudson Bacon Guild, The Man Code heretofore adopts this bastard child of the breakfast table as ward. All bacon-related queries may; and questions of protocol and practice must, be directed to this regulating blog.

Resolved: Bacon may certainly be prepared, in the oven, at the prescribed temperature, until it chances upon the desired crispness or lack thereof.

Resolved: Pat indeed must " bacon EVERY Sunday".

Good Day!

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