Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just In Time

So, while it is possible to be a man and not a Dad, it's just too pathetic to be a Dad but not a man... So, this in mind, I very nearly missed an opportunity to show I am either.

We do AWANA, and when I say 'we' I mean I sit in the office at church and answer questions while the kids participate in all of the activities. Anna walked in to the office and told me that a boy had hit her in the face with a ball, and ".. he had not even cared." I comforted my little girl and kissed the side of her face, where I could see the ball had hit. She lingered. Suddenly, it dawned on me that she was awaiting action of some sort..
"Would you like me to go, and talk to them about it?" She nodded, yes. I walked into the community room to perform some quick, corrective action. "Did one of you boys hit this little girl in the face with a ball?" I asked. A nice, you man confessed, adding that he didn't mean to, and.. I stopped him. "Did you apologize to her, for hitting her in the face, with a ball? He began to start with a second explanation. I repeated my question. A couple of little girls, interested in the spectacle unfolding in their space, piped up. "NO, HE DIDN'T! He said that he had not. "Do you think it might be a good idea to apologize to her, now? I suggested. He apologized, the nice kid.

As I walked out of the community room, I looked at my daughter; in her eyes and all over her face was something I will never forget. She was looking at her Daddy, who had come to stand up for her, had taken up her case and followed through on what was important to her. She felt valued and honored that I had been there for her when she needed me to be there. She can trust me more, now. She knows that I believe her, and what matters to her, also matters to me.

Thank You, God for letting me be the Daddy of that little girl. Thank You for not letting me fail her, tonight.

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